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Date Docketed Description Filed By Notes
05/05/2021 Notice of Appeal Filed Edward F. Holodak 0059234
05/06/2021 Acknowledgment Letter
05/06/2021 ORD-Pay Filing Fee-Civil Appeal The jurisdiction of this court was invoked by filing of a Notice of Appeal in the lower tribunal. The $300.00 filing fee required by the applicable rule of procedure and Section 35.22(2)(a), Florida Statutes, is due and payable REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE APPEAL IS LATER DISMISSED VOLUNTARILY OR ADVERSELY. ORDERED that appellant shall pay the $300.00 filing fee or file the lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status in this court within ten (10) days from the date of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal – see the court’s website for details. Failure to comply within the time prescribed will result in dismissal of this cause and may result in the court sanctioning of any party, or the party's attorney, who has not paid the filing fee. The attorney filing the Notice of Appeal has a duty to tender the filing fee to the appellate court when the appeal is initiated. See In Re Payment of Filing Fees, 744 So. 2d 1025 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997). Failure of the attorney to pay will result in referral to the Department of Financial Services for collection. **NOTE: This order does not toll the time for filing any pleadings necessary to prosecute this appeal and no extensions of time will be entertained. Once the fee is paid, it is not refundable. Except for dismissal, this court will take no action in this appeal until the filing fee is paid or until a lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status is filed.
05/06/2021 Case Filing Fee Paid Through Portal
05/24/2021 Received Records Clerk - Broward 102 PAGES (PAGES 1-93)
07/12/2021 Mot. for Extension of time to file Initial Brief Edward F. Holodak 0059234
07/13/2021 Objection Steven J. Borer
07/20/2021 Order Granting EOT for Initial Brief ORDERED that appellant's July 12, 2021 motion for extension of time is granted, and appellant shall serve the initial brief within thirty (30) days from the current due date. In addition, if the initial brief is not served within the time provided for in this order, the above-styled case may be subject to dismissal or the court in its discretion may impose other sanctions.
08/09/2021 Motion To File Supplemental Record Edward F. Holodak 0059234
08/12/2021 Initial Brief on Merits Edward F. Holodak 0059234
08/23/2021 Notice of Appearance Ron Renzy 0958610
09/01/2021 Supplemental Records Edward F. Holodak 0059234
09/01/2021 ORD-Allowing Attachment to Record ORDERED that appellant's August 9, 2021 motion to supplement the record is granted, and the record is supplemented to include the material contained in appellant’s August 9, 2021 “supplemental record on appeal.” Said supplemental record is deemed filed as of the date of this order.
09/10/2021 Appellee's Answer Brief Ron Renzy 0958610
10/11/2021 Appellant's Reply Brief Edward F. Holodak 0059234
12/01/2021 Affirmed - Per Curiam Opinion AND REMANDED
12/17/2021 Mandate
12/17/2021 West Publishing